Monday, May 4, 2009

Eid Al Adha

I simply gave Lomo loaded with Lucky SHD 100 to Athena on Eid al Adha

On second thought, now I expose her to Qurban, the sacrifice, blood, animal dying, but as the world was it. I let her go.

Later she admitted that she had seen the tears on eyes of animals.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Karesep Abdi

Abdi resep ulin sapeda. Salian berguna kanggo olahraga, sapeda oge bermanfaat kanggo ngurangan polusi.

Sapeda abdi warnana ungu.

Abdi oge pernah ngiluan lomba sapeda, abdi teh kedah muterian paimahan, saenggeus dugi ka lapangan akhirra panitia lomba ngumumkeun saha anu jadi juara teh. Abdi jeung rerencangan teh ngarasa dag dig dina hate. Ternyata abdi teh sedih lantaran teu jadi juara. Tapi abdi bangga lantaran bisa ngiluan ngarayakeun hari kamardekaan Republik Indonesia.

N:80 Tulisan:90 Kerapian:80 Total:83

Friday, February 22, 2008

Cigombong Picnic

After Iedul Fitri 2007, We went to Cigombong, to Athena grandfather's villa. it has swimming pool

Athena, Aurora and their friends, basically kids from same block were invited

Athena took pictures including self-portraiture, and her sister also played with lomo

It was fun!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Lomo From the Rooftop

Athena was so happy when I gave her the What-so-called-Lomo-Camera, a sampler with four lenses (the 4th lens is not so sharp) as a gift for successfully observing the Ramadhan.This lomo was Wellington's. He gave me, since he said, had enough camera. and it is not a 'really' Lomo in term of brand. It is a generic action sampler camera without Lomo brand and Flash, thus the price is cheaper then it's sibling with Lomo brand. rest assured they are identical quality.Loaded with Lucky Color ASA 200 (the cheapest color film in Ciawi for EI 200). It seems that the film can not handle Athena's style of 'everything must be documented'. Many are under exposure, since the events were taken when we had breakfasting with FN Bogor on October 2007 Dawn, on the roof top of Plaza Jambu Dua.

I think, I have to find cheapest color film with ASA 400 or more